Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, 24 November 2022 - The Management Board of the African Legal Support Facility (ALSF) held a virtual meeting to review the progress and effectiveness of its projects. The Board considered and provided guidance on administrative, institutional, and operational matters to swiftly respond to the needs of its Regional Member Countries.
The ALSF Board approved the 2023 Work Plan and Budget during the meeting. The document outlines the operational, institutional, and strategic programs intended to be carried out in 2023.
The Board also noted the 2022 Financial Statements for the period ended in September 2022 and a Progress Report on Projects implemented in 2022.
Concerning the implementation of ALSF projects, the members noticed the increased volume and effectiveness of the Facility’s work. The Board members also recognized the growing demand for ALSF’s services; “To date, the Facility has 137 ongoing projects, mostly in the energy, infrastructure and PPPs, sovereign finance, extractive and natural resources sectors”.
The Board emphasized the importance of the Facility in the years ahead. In their closing remarks, Board members encouraged the ALSF management to be innovative and strategic continuously, to focus on the results of its operations, and to adapt to new opportunities in the rapidly changing environments of its Regional Member Counties.
The ALSF’s Management Board is responsible for the efficient and effective conduct of all operations of the Facility, as well as the approval of its Budget and appointment of its Director. The Board comprises of five members of high integrity and competence, acting in their individual capacity, and are appointed by the Governing Council for a three-year, non-renewable term. The current members of the Board include Christine Agimba, Pippa Armerding, Manisha Dookhony, Jacob Mukete and Ambassador Arve Ofstad.
About the ALSF
Created by the African Development Bank in 2010, the ALSF supports governments in negotiating complex commercial transactions, providing legal and technical assistance in public-private partnership projects across the oil and gas, mining and energy sectors, and covering sovereign debt issues and creditor litigation. The ALSF also develops and proposes innovative tools for capacity building and knowledge management.
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