The African Legal Support Facility (“Facility”) is pleased to announce the appointment of a new board member, Prof. Dr. Christoph Kohlmeyer.
Prof. Dr. Christoph Kohlmeyer: is a retired Agricultural Economist/Rural Sociologist.
With over 40 years of professional experience, he has served as an Executive Director and an Advisor to the President at the African Development Bank.
Christoph is a seasoned professional with a solid background and has research interests in Agricultural Policy, Land Policy, Social Systems, Location Theory; Development Economics, International Trade Relations, WTO, WTO-TRIPS, Regional Integration; Fragile States, Peace Policies, Mediation and Colonialism; and Project Management, Organizational Development.
He has experience in both Africa and Europe. In Europe, he worked as the Head of Division at Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). In Africa, he has had continental experience but also has specific experience Pan African Institutions and RECs, Ghana, Benin, Tunisia, Cote d'Ivoire, Cameroon, Congo Basin, Great Lakes Region, Sahel G5, Lesotho, Namibia, and the SADC region.
The ALSF’s Management Board is responsible for the efficient and effective conduct of all operations of the Facility, as well as the approval of its Budget and appointment of its Director. The Board comprises of five members of high integrity and competence, acting in their individual capacity, and are appointed by the Governing Council for a three-year, non-renewable term. The current members of the Board are Manisha Dookhony, Pippa Tubman Amerding, Roland Amoussou-Guenou, and Dr. Felister Saliku Kivisi.
About the ALSF
Established by the African Development Bank in 2008, the ALSF assists African governments in negotiating complex commercial transactions, providing legal and technical assistance and developing capacity building tools in the key sectors of infrastructure and public-private partnerships, energy, natural resources and extractive industries, as well as on sovereign debt and creditor disputes.
For media enquiries, please contact:
Eve Ehoura, Communication Officer
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